IT Review (2017)

Hollywood has never been shy about taking on Stephen King‘s literary works, and the results have been quite a mixed bag. From rousing highs such as The Shawshank Redemption and Stand By Me, to dismal lows with the likes of The Mangler and, more recently, The Dark Tower, the audience can never really tell what…

Annabelle: Creation Review (2017)

Ghosts and demons and dolls…Oh My!!! Annabelle: Creation is a prequel of a prequel set in The Conjuring Universe. Yes, I know, we now live in a world where major studios keep trying to make their all their properties into a cinematic universe, but to be fair, The Conjuring Universe just sort of happened naturally.…

Alien: Covenant Review (2017)

Rated R (for sci-fi violence, language and nudity) I’m beginning to think that all scientists in the Alien universe are dumb-asses. It’s the only theory that can explain the decisions that are made by the characters in Alien: Covenant. But of course, if they did act intelligently I guess we really wouldn’t have a movie to…

Life Review (2017)

Rated R (for language, sci-fi violence, horror) After a close call reigning in an out of control satellite, a multi-national group of scientists on the international space station ISS are charged with examining soil samples from Mars for evidence of extra-terrestrial life.  In these samples lie dormant single cellular organisms and when British biologist Hugh…

The Final Girls Review (2015)

Rated PG-13 (horror violence, crude and sexual material, language and drug use) Ah the slasher film. The home of slutty girls, dumb jocks, boobs, sex and copious amounts of gore. These B-movie flicks were the staple of the 80’s and provided many a night of entertainment with their groan-worthy dialogue, jump-scares and so-bad-it’s-good acting and…

Jurassic World Review (2015)

Rated PG-13 (Blood, gore, Violence) I can still remember the excitement and the sheer wonder I felt when I saw the first dinosaur in Jurassic Park. Much like Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler, I felt utter disbelief at what was unfolding before my eyes, with John Williams’ unforgettable score perfectly capturing the majesty and awe…